Vector - The Other Stuff

So the C++ standard specifies a set of requirements for containers. Very few requirements are specified in terms of containers so adhering to these exactly is not required (unless you want to be considered for the standard). But they provide an insight into what can be done with them and if you support them will allow your container to be more easily used with some features of the language and standard library. I am not going to go over all of them here (that is left as an exercise for the reader), but I will go over the ones I would expect to see in a simple implementation (the kind you would see in a university project).

For details see the latest copy of the C++ standard.

  • 23.2.1 General container requirements [container.requirements.general]
  • 23.2.3 Sequence containers [sequence.reqmts]

Internal Types

  • value_type
  • reference
  • const_reference
  • iterator
  • const_iterator
  • difference_type
  • size_type

It is worth specifying the internal types defined here. As this allows you to abstract the implementation details of the container. This will allow you to change the implementation details without users having to change their implementation; as long as the changes still provide the same interface but the interface to reference/pointers/iterators are relatively trivial and well defined.


In C++11 the std::initializer_list<T> was introduced. This allows a better list initialization syntax to be used with user defined types. Since this is usually defined in terms of the range based construction we should probably add both of these constructors.

  • Vector(std::initializer_list<T> const& list)
  • Vector(I begin, I end)


  • begin()
  • rbegin()
  • begin() const
  • rbegin() const
  • cbegin() const
  • crbegin() const
  • end()
  • rend()
  • end() const
  • cend() const
  • rend() const
  • crend() const

The iterators are relatively easy to write. They also allow the container to be used with the new range based for that was added in C++14. So this becomes another easy add.

Member Access

  • at(<index>)
  • at(<index>) const
  • operator[](<index>)
  • operator[](<index>) const
  • front()
  • back()
  • front() const
  • back() const

Member access to a vector should be very efficient. As a result normally range checks are not performed on member access, i.e. the user is expected to make sure that the method preconditions have been met before calling the method. This results in very efficient access to the members of a Vector. This is not normally a problem because index ranges are normally checked as part of a loop range as long as these are validated against the size of the array it does not need to be validated again.

For Loop Vector Access

Vector<T>   d = getData();
for(int loop = 0; loop < d.size(); ++loop)
    std::cout << d[loop];   // No need for antoher range
                            // check here as we know that loop is inside the
                            // bounds of the vector d.

There is also the at() method which does validate the index provided before accessing the element (throwing an exception if the index is out of range).

Non-Mutating Member Functions

  • size() const
  • bool() const

To allow us to check the preconditions on the element access methods we need some functions that check the state of the object. These are provided here.

Mutating Member Functions

  • push_back(<object-ref>)
  • push_back(<object-rvalue-ref>)
  • emplace_back(<args...>)
  • pop_back()

The following members are standard easy to implement methods of std::vector (O(1)) that I would expect to see in every implementation.

The other mutating member functions are less trivial as they require elements to be moved around. They are not that hard but you must put some thought into the most efficient techniques to move elements (i.e. move or copy) and make sure that capacity is not exceeded by multiple inserts. As a result I would expect to see these methods only on an as needed basis.


  • operator== const
  • operator!= const

Easy comparison operators. Optionally you can provide the other comparison operators.


No idea why Jackal is adding all the blank lines to my source


#include <type_traits>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iterator>

template<typename T>
class Vector
        using value_type        = T;
        using reference         = T&;
        using const_reference   = T const&;
        using pointer           = T*;
        using const_pointer     = T const*;
        using iterator          = T*;
        using const_iterator    = T const*;
        using riterator         = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
        using const_riterator   = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
        using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
        using size_type         = std::size_t;

        size_type       capacity;
        size_type       length;
        T*              buffer;

        struct Deleter
            void operator()(T* buffer) const
                ::operator delete(buffer);

        Vector(int capacity = 10)
            : capacity(capacity)
            , length(0)
            , buffer(static_cast<T*>(::operator new(sizeof(T) * capacity)))
        template<typename I>
        Vector(I begin, I end)
            : capacity(std::distance(begin, end))
            , length(0)
            , buffer(static_cast<T*>(::operator new(sizeof(T) * capacity)))
            for(auto loop = begin;loop != end; ++loop)
        Vector(std::initializer_list<T> const& list)
            : Vector(std::begin(list), std::end(list))
            // Make sure the buffer is deleted even with exceptions
            // This will be called to release the pointer at the end
            // of scope.
            std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter>     deleter(buffer, Deleter());
        Vector(Vector const& copy)
            : capacity(copy.length)
            , length(0)
            , buffer(static_cast<T*>(::operator new(sizeof(T) * capacity)))
                for(int loop = 0; loop < copy.length; ++loop)
                std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter>     deleter(buffer, Deleter());

                // Make sure the exceptions continue propagating after
                // the cleanup has completed.
        Vector& operator=(Vector const& copy)
            return *this;
        Vector(Vector&& move) noexcept
            : capacity(0)
            , length(0)
            , buffer(nullptr)
        Vector& operator=(Vector&& move) noexcept
            return *this;
        void swap(Vector& other) noexcept
            using std::swap;
            swap(capacity,      other.capacity);
            swap(length,        other.length);
            swap(buffer,        other.buffer);

        // Non-Mutating functions
        size_type           size() const                        {return length;}
        bool                empty() const                       {return length == 0;}

        // Validated element access
        reference           at(size_type index)                 {validateIndex(index);return buffer[index];}
        const_reference     at(size_type index) const           {validateIndex(index);return buffer[index];}

        // Non-Validated element access
        reference           operator[](size_type index)         {return buffer[index];}
        const_reference     operator[](size_type index) const   {return buffer[index];}
        reference           front()                             {return buffer[0];}
        const_reference     front() const                       {return buffer[0];}
        reference           back()                              {return buffer[length - 1];}
        const_reference     back() const                        {return buffer[length - 1];}

        // Iterators
        iterator            begin()                             {return buffer;}
        riterator           rbegin()                            {return riterator(end());}
        const_iterator      begin() const                       {return buffer;}
        const_riterator     rbegin() const                      {return const_riterator(end());}

        iterator            end()                               {return buffer + length;}
        riterator           rend()                              {return riterator(begin());}
        const_iterator      end() const                         {return buffer + length;}
        const_riterator     rend() const                        {return const_riterator(begin());}

        const_iterator      cbegin() const                      {return begin();}
        const_riterator     crbegin() const                     {return rbegin();}
        const_iterator      cend() const                        {return end();}
        const_riterator     crend() const                       {return rend();}

        // Comparison
        bool operator!=(Vector const& rhs) const {return !(*this == rhs);}
        bool operator==(Vector const& rhs) const
            return  (size() == rhs.size())
                &&  std::equal(begin(), end(), rhs.begin());

        // Mutating functions
        void push_back(value_type const& value)
        void push_back(value_type&& value)
        template<typename... Args>
        void emplace_back(Args&&... args)
        void pop_back()
        void reserve(size_type capacityUpperBound)
            if (capacityUpperBound > capacity)
        void validateIndex(size_type index) const
            if (index >= length)
                throw std::out_of_range("Out of Range");

        void resizeIfRequire()
            if (length == capacity)
                size_type     newCapacity  = std::max(2.0, capacity * 1.5);
        void reserveCapacity(size_type newCapacity)
            Vector<T>  tmpBuffer(newCapacity);



        // Add new element to the end using placement new
        void pushBackInternal(T const& value)
            new (buffer + length) T(value);
        void moveBackInternal(T&& value)
            new (buffer + length) T(std::move(value));
        template<typename... Args>
        void emplaceBackInternal(Args&&... args)
            new (buffer + length) T(std::move(args)...);

        // Optimizations that use SFINAE to only instantiate one
        // of two versions of a function.
        //      simpleCopy()        Moves when no exceptions are guaranteed, otherwise copies.
        //      clearElements()     When no destructor remove loop.
        //      copyAssign()        Avoid resource allocation when no exceptions guaranteed.
        //                          ie. When copying integers reuse the buffer if we can
        //                          to avoid expensive resource allocation.

        template<typename X>
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<X>::value == false>::type
        simpleCopy(Vector<T>& dst)
            std::for_each(buffer, buffer + length,
                          [&dst](T const& v){dst.pushBackInternal(v);}
        template<typename X>
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<X>::value == true>::type
        simpleCopy(Vector<T>& dst)
            std::for_each(buffer, buffer + length,
                          [&dst](T& v){dst.moveBackInternal(std::move(v));}

        template<typename X>
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_trivially_destructible<X>::value == false>::type
            // Call the destructor on all the members in reverse order
            for(int loop = 0; loop < length; ++loop)
                // Note we destroy the elements in reverse order.
                buffer[length - 1 - loop].~T();

        template<typename X>
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_trivially_destructible<X>::value == true>::type
            // Trivially destructible objects can be reused without using the destructor.

        template<typename X>
        typename std::enable_if<(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<X>::value
                            &&  std::is_nothrow_destructible<X>::value) == true>::type
        copyAssign(Vector<X>& copy)
            // This function is only used if there is no chance of an exception being
            // thrown during destruction or copy construction of the type T.

            // Quick return for self assignment.
            if (this == &copy)

            if (capacity <= copy.length)
                // If we have enough space to copy then reuse the space we currently
                // have to avoid the need to perform an expensive resource allocation.

                clearElements<T>();     // Potentially does nothing (see above)
                                        // But if required will call the destructor of
                                        // all elements.

                // buffer now ready to get a copy of the data.
                length = 0;
                for(int loop = 0; loop < copy.length; ++loop)
                // Fallback to copy and swap if we need to more space anyway
                Vector<T>  tmp(copy);

        template<typename X>
        typename std::enable_if<(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<X>::value
                             &&  std::is_nothrow_destructible<X>::value) == false>::type
        copyAssign(Vector<X>& copy)
            // Copy and Swap idiom
            Vector<T>  tmp(copy);

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