C++ Sockets


In the previous article "A Web Server," I created the simplest web server possible.

This article covers the next stage by addressing the issues related to low-level socket programming. To be honest, we are going to take a shortcut. Dealing with ‘*nix’ variants is complex enough, but adding Windows systems makes the process exceedingly complicated (and thus beyond the scope of this article). Here, we are going to introduce a C++ library to abstract the socket layer and provide a higher-level interface.


All the code for this article is in a single source file in the V2 directory. It uses standard libraries and thors-mongo. If you have a Unix-like environment, this should be easy to build; if you use Windows, you may need to do some extra work. A “Makefile” is provided just as an example.

Build & Run

  > brew install thors-mongo              # A header-only version of thors-mongo can be alternatively installed.
  > git clone https://github.com/Loki-Astari/NisseBlogCode.git
  > cd NisseBlogCode/V2
  > make
  > ./NisseV2 8080 /Directory/You/Want/To/Server/On/Port/8080


I am going to add ThorsSocket, a C++ wrapper around 'File Descriptors' (FD), to simplify the web server. ThorsSocket provides a std::iostream interface for FD and is designed to work with the Boost Co-Routine library to enable cooperative multitasking.

Because FDs are a very low-level OS resource, ThorsSocket provides a std::iostream interface to several important OS resources, such as pipes, files, sockets, and SSL sockets (ssockets). Note that the standard library already provides access to files through std::fstream but only allows blocking read/write access; in contrast, ThorsSocket provides non-blocking read/write access, allowing the executing thread to cooperatively switch to another task when an I/O operation would block and transparently resuming the I/O operation when the FD becomes available.

Another advantage of ThorsSocket is that it wraps both the C socket and Open SSL libraries, allowing the use of the secure socket layer as if it were a normal std::iostream object. Apart from the initial creation of the socket, its usage is entirely transparent and no different from using a normal socket (or even a file).

This small change halves the number of lines of code that need to be written.

SSL Socket

The only change in Nisse’s API from V1 is that it allows the user to provide a certificate and key file.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (argc != 4 && argc != 3)
        std::cerr << "Usage: NisseV1 <port> <documentPath> [<SSL Certificate Path>]" << "\n";
        return 1;
        std::optional<std::filesystem::path>    certDir;
        if (argc == 4) {
            certDir = std::filesystem::canonical(argv[3]);
        WebServer   server(getServerInit(port, certDir), contentDir);

The first change is adding certDir; this is a std::optional<> type that, if provided, takes the directory where the SSL certificate and key files are located. We then use the port and certDir to create a ServerInit object, which is passed to the Web Server to initialize its internal listening socket. Previously, it only used a port.

ThorsAnvil::ThorsSocket::ServerInit getServerInit(int port, std::optional<std::filesystem::path> certPath)
    // If there is only a port.
    // i.e. The user did not provide a certificate path return a `ServerInfo` object.
    // This will create a normal listening socket.
    if (!certPath.has_value()) {
        return ThorsAnvil::ThorsSocket::ServerInfo{port};
    // If we have a certificate path.
    // Use this to create a certificate objext.
    // This assumes the standard names for these files as provided by "Let's encrypt".
    ThorsAnvil::ThorsSocket::CertificateInfo     certificate{std::filesystem::canonical(std::filesystem::path(*certPath) /= "fullchain.pem"),
                                                             std::filesystem::canonical(std::filesystem::path(*certPath) /= "privkey.pem")
    ThorsAnvil::ThorsSocket::SSLctx              ctx{ThorsAnvil::ThorsSocket::SSLMethodType::Server, certificate};
    // Now that we have created the approporiate SSL objects needed.
    // We return an SServierInfo object.
    // Please Note: This is a different type to the ServerInfo returned above (one less S in the name).
    return ThorsAnvil::ThorsSocket::SServerInfo{port, std::move(ctx)};
    // We can return these two two different types becuase
    // ServerInit is actually a std::variant<ServerInfo, SServerInfo>

It is worth noting that ServerInfo and SServerInfo are distinct types, and the ServerInit type is a std::variant<> that can accept either type. The std::variant is C++ type safe version of a union and allows you to store one of multiple compile-time specified types in an object safely.

What is the next step

Now that we can trivially initialize the Web Server to use a socket or an SSL socket, we need an SSL certificate.

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