In the first three articles, we created a very basic Web Server. A significant issue with this simplistic server is that it can only handle connections serially. This article introduces a thread pool that will handle the actual requests. The main thread will accept new requests and create the work items to be handled by the thread pool.
All the code for this article is in the directory V4 directory. It uses standard libraries and thors-mongo. If you have a Unix-like environment, this should be easy to build; if you use Windows, you may need extra work. A “Makefile” is provided just as an example.
Build & Run
> brew install thors-mongo
> git clone
> cd NisseBlogCode/V4
> make
> ./NisseV4 8080 /Directory/To/Server/On/Port/8080 /etc/letsencrypt/live/<>/
Threading Potential Concerns
In some previous code reviews, I have seen beginners create a new thread for each new connection. The thread will handle the request and complete it (the thread exits and is destroyed). This is acceptable for a Web Server that handles a very low volume of calls and keeps the code simple, but it is a problematic design for high-volume or general servers.
Creating a thread is a resource-intensive process, so it's generally discouraged to create and destroy a large number of threads. Additionally, the CPU can typically handle only one thread per core at any time; therefore, making a vast number of threads may lead to thrashing as the scheduler attempts to allocate time slices for each thread to perform active work.
The best practice is to create a thread pool in which threads are assigned “Work Items” from a queue. Upon completion, they are reused to handle subsequent “Work Items” but suspended when no “Work Items” are available.
The C++ standard tried to indirectly address thread pools via the standard library async()
function. This function abstracts the concept of threads and allows the implementation to provide its own internal thread pool. However, we will not use this feature in this project; in a subsequent article, I want to explore the concepts of cooperative multitasking using CoRoutines.
What has Changed
We have added a class JobQueue that maintains a pool of worker threads and a queue of jobs (active connections) that need to be handled. Before delving into the details of JobQueue, I will describe the changes to the code presented in the previous article C++ Sockets.
class WebServer
TASock::Server connection;
bool finished;
std::filesystem::path const& contentDir;
std::mutex openSocketMutex;
std::map<int, Socket> openSockets;
JobQueue jobQueue;
WebServer(std::size_t workerCount,
TASock::ServerInit&& serverInit,
std::filesystem::path const& contentDir);
void run();
The main code change is within the run()
method. Previously, this method accepted a connection and called handleConnection()
to process the incoming request. Thus, it blocked the main thread from accepting another connection until the current connection had been entirely handled.
void WebServer::run()
while (!finished)
ThorsAnvil::ThorsSocket::SocketStream socket = connection.accept();
The new version is similar. The main thread still accepts connections, but instead of handling them, it adds a “Work Item” to the job queue for the thread pool to process asynchronously. It is important to note that because the work is done in another thread, we must store the state (the newSocket
object) in a way that prevents it from being destroyed until the connection has been handled. We have introduced the openSockets
object to store these connections.
void WebServer::run()
while (!finished)
TASock::SocketStream socketStream = connection.accept();
int fd = socketStream.getSocket().socketId();
Socket newSocket(std::move(socketStream));
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(openSocketMutex);
auto [iter, ok] = openSockets.insert_or_assign(fd, std::move(newSocket));
jobQueue.addJob([&, iterator = iter](){
auto& socket = iterator->second;
handleConnection(socket, contentDir);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(openSocketMutex);
In C++20 the standard library added a new thread type, std::jthread
Quote: indi
std::jthread is what std::thread should have been. It is superior in every way, with no drawbacks.
Unfortunately, my platform does not currently support std::jthread
in its implementation of the C++20 standard library. Therefore, the following code must navigate some extra hoops to ensure that std::thread
behaves correctly in all corner cases. One significant difference is that with std::thread
, you must explicitly join()
the thread of execution before the std::thread
object is destroyed. In contrast, the std::jthread
destructor will automatically join()
the thread of execution if not already done.
JobQueue::JobQueue(std::size_t workerCount)
: finished{false}
for (std::size_t loop = 0; loop < workerCount; ++loop) {
workers.emplace_back(&JobQueue::processWork, this);
catch (...)
The stop()
method is relatively simple to implement.
void JobQueue::markFinished()
std::unique_lock lock(workMutex);
finished = true;
void JobQueue::stop()
for (auto& w: workers) {
Adding Work
Finally, we can look at the methods run by the threads.
If you are new to threading, the only challenging concept is the std::condition_variable
. This type allows you to suspend a thread's execution until a specific condition is met. While a thread is suspended, it consumes no resources, which makes it an effective way to ensure that the CPU isn’t used when there is no work for the thread to perform. You suspend a thread by calling wait()
on the condition variable. Another thread can wake up suspended threads by calling notify_one()
(which wakes up one suspended thread) or notify_all()
(which wakes up all suspended threads).
Code typically follows this pattern:
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::unique_lock lock(mutex);
while (!resourceIWantIsAvailable())
The first question most beginners ask is: Why is the wait() function called inside a loop?
. This is because between a call to notify_one()
to wake up a waiting thread and the point a thread exists the wait()
function, another thread may have already consumed the resource. Therefore, you need to validate that the resource is still available, and if not, go back into the wait().
This loop is essential, so the C++ std::conditional_variable
actually builds it into the wait interface. As a second parameter, you can pass a lambda to the test.
cv.wait(lock, [&](){return resourceIWantIsAvailable();});
Now that we have covered the basics of a condition variable, the code used by the thread pool looks like this.
std::optional<Work> JobQueue::getNextJob()
std::unique_lock lock(workMutex);
workCV.wait(lock, [&](){return !workQueue.empty() || finished;});
if (workQueue.empty() || finished) {
return {};
Work work = std::move(workQueue.front());
return work;
void JobQueue::processWork()
while (!finished)
std::optional<Work> work = getNextJob();
if (work.has_value()) {
catch (std::exception const& e)
"Work Exception: ",
catch (...)
"Work Exception: Unknown");
Next Step
This article explains how we can use threads to potentially parallelize responses to multiple requests. Each thread sequentially runs only one request at a time and may be blocked while processing a request. In a subsequent article, I will detail how we can utilize cooperative multitasking to switch I/O-blocked threads to another request, improving parallelism without additional resources.