Nisse - Origins of a serverice


Nisse is a C++ library that makes it simple to create C++ web based applications. The library provides the framework for handling incoming connections and executing user defined code based on the request. The library will suspend execution of user code and re-use a thread if the user code would block performing a read/write operation on a connection.

The concept is to allow beginner engineers write normal synchronous looking C++ code that is easy to reason about, but provide the asynchronous processing the is inherently needed for web based application to be efficient.


I admire the Javascript/NodeJS model that makes it (relatively) easy for beginners to quickly and intuitively build simple working web based applications. The ability to build these simple web apps is a great teaching platform that has allowed easy experimentation by beginners and thus provide them with a platform to learn new skills that are easy to demonstrate to friends (The "Look what I have built" word of month).

In comparison building even simple web based apps in C++ is exceedingly non trivial and not very conducive for teaching. I don't think it will ever be as simple to create web apps in C++; but I hope that Nisse can be used by beginners to quickly throw together a web based application and shout out to heir friends, "Look what I have built, come check it out".


Nisse is built on some standard libraries (libEvent, Boost CoRoutine2) that do the heavy lifting. Nisse just wires them together in a simple to use framework.

I will create a set of posts that explain how Nisse works but also provide a mini tutorial on C++ coding and how web applications work as I go. Once I have completed the set of articles about Nisse I will use it as a platform to built little demonstrations applications that demonstrate C++ coding and hopefully provide some lessons in modern C++ techniques.

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